The designer

Lilli Grew

Bielefeld, Germany

It is in Germany that the sparkling Lilli Grewe exerts. In Bielefeld, very precisely, in the Rhineland. It is in this same city from which it is originated that it finished its studies in 2014. After having chosen the teaching, it is towards the creation that she directed, like her husband Sasha who also Created his own studio. Passionate about nature and the house, it is only natural that the creation of everyday objects, in responsible materials, becomes its trademark. She turns them away, adapts them to situations, makes them fun ... she reinvents codes from within with a wink always full of malice.

Very committed to the preservation of the environment, its production has been crowned many times with ecologically favorable prices, the latest in 2015. For this young mother of two children, "the object must accompany the human , Be useful to him and make him laugh! ".

Its products

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